This week in class we had a special guest named Jesse Miller. He spoke about the importance of privacy and safety on the internet. It was really interesting hearing him speak about how school servers can see internet activity. I had no idea! He told a story about a substitute teacher for a first grade class. She was posting on her Snapchat, and the people who monitor the server noticed a lot of activity on Snapchat which obviously doesn’t happen often for a first grade class. She got in trouble for posting about the class.

It was also interesting hearing Jesse speak about the use of cell phones in schools. During my Wednesday school visit last week, a student told me she has “the new iPhone 11 Pro”.  She is nine years old. That completely blew my mind! I had no idea that having a phone at that age was normal. Turns out most of the kids in the class have phones. There is obviously a “no phones in school” policy going on at this school, because I’ve yet to actually see any students with their phones. This just goes to show that having a phone is literally just a part of life now. Everybody has one! It’s pretty cool. I like technology and I am looking forward to implementing it into my classrooms in the future.

Amy 🙂